Traders With Edge

Instant Funding Accounts

Choose your account type

Customize your account

Instant Funding


  • Your initial account size will increase every time your account grows by 10%
  • Max Drawdown: 5% of starting account balance
  • Leverage is 1:100
  • Desk Fee: Accounts are 2x more affordable than Instant Aggressive 


  • Your initial account will increase every time your account grows by 20%
  • Max Drawdown: 10% of starting account balance
  • Leverage is 1:100
  • Desk Fee: Accounts are 2x more expensive than the Instant Standard

First Level


Traders can earn a profit split of 50% of their profit target. 



For example: 


On the 5K Instant account with a 10% profit target, traders can earn 50% of 10% which is $250. 


This can be increased to 60% with the addition of customizations. 



All Other Levels:


The profit split for the instant funding accounts is 50% of all profits made on the account.

Withdrawing profits will not affect your account from scaling up. You can withdraw every 5 trading days after your first withdrawal and your account will still scale up once you have met all the criteria and when your profits reach the profit target and request an update through your trader dashboard. 


For example:

On the Instant Standart account, the profit target is 10%.

You gain 6% profit over 5 trading days and make a 6% withdrawal.

Then you gain 4% profit over the next 5 trading days. 

You have made a total of 10% and are now qualified to scale to the next level as you have reached the profit target.

Yes, all accounts have an inactivity period of 30 days.


The 30 day inactivity period starts when the account is created and is always applied to the account. 


This means that if at any point, you do not open a trade in your account for 30 days, your account will be considered abandoned and closed.


If you have any profits left in the account after it has been breached and you have made atleast 1 withdrawal from this account, you have 30 days to contact us to request a withdrawal. 

No. Traders who use an Expert Advisor or Trading Robot on their instant funding account will have their accounts breached and no payout will be given.

Once you hit the profit target for your level and have placed at least 1 trade during 5 differet trading days, you can scale to the next level by clicking the “Upgrade” button on your trader dashboard. 


Once you have clicked this button, we will make sure that no Manipulation rules have been breached and then scale you up to the next level. 

Make sure to request a payout once you have hit your profit target 

You can take as much time as you need to complete your Instant Funded Account, as there is no maximum time limit. You are free to trade at your own pace as long as you do not breach the inactivity period.

No, for both the Instant Standard and Instant Agressive accounts, you do not get a free retry once you breach your account.

You can request a payout after trading for 5 different trading days. 

For the first stage of your Funded Accounts, you can only request a payout once you are eligible to scale to the next level. 

Please refer to the Funding & Payouts section to see the minimum profit required for different methods of payouts.

Instant Trader Funding: Unlocking Your Trading Potential


The Power of an Instant Funded Account


In the dynamic world of trading, having access to sufficient capital is crucial for success. Instant trader funding provides an innovative solution that allows traders to gain the necessary financial backing to maximize their trading potential. 


This cutting-edge approach enables traders to receive funds almost instantly, opening up new opportunities for both profit and growth. It’s an attractive alternative to funding one’s own account, or taking a prop firm challenge that can be time-consuming and often come with stringent requirements.


EMpowering Traders at All Levels: Newcomers and Veterans Alike with “Traders With Edge”


Instant trader funding is an excellent option for a wide range of traders, including both new and experienced individuals. For those just starting, it offers a chance to learn the ropes and explore various trading strategies without risking a lot of personal capital. 


For seasoned traders, instant trader funding can provide the additional leverage needed to capitalize on lucrative opportunities in the market. Traders With Edge is the leader in instant funding for traders, offering unparalleled support and resources to help traders harness the full potential of instant trader funding.


Understanding Instant Funded Accounts


Definition and Concept


Instant trader funding is a financial solution designed to provide traders with the necessary capital to participate in the markets effectively. It operates through partnerships with proprietary trading firms, which extend their funds to traders, allowing them to trade using the firm’s capital. 


This innovative funding model enables traders to access increased buying power, without the need to invest significant personal capital. With its simple, straightforward process, getting started with instant trader funding is both easy and cost-effective.


Key Components: Speed, Accessibility, and Flexibility


The primary advantages of instant trader funding lie in its speed, accessibility, and flexibility. The funding process is typically fast, often taking just a few days from application to account activation. This rapid turnaround ensures that traders can quickly capitalize on market opportunities.


Accessibility is another significant benefit of instant trader funding. It eliminates the need for substantial personal capital, allowing traders with limited financial resources to enter the markets and build their portfolios. This inclusive approach opens doors for a more diverse range of traders to succeed in the markets.


Lastly, instant trader funding provides flexibility in trading strategies and styles. With access to increased capital, traders have the freedom to diversify their portfolios and explore various trading techniques, ultimately leading to a more adaptable and robust trading approach.


The Role of Proprietary Trading Firms


Proprietary trading firms play a crucial role in the instant trader funding ecosystem. These firms provide the financial backing that enables traders to access the markets with increased buying power. In exchange, traders share a portion of their profits with the firm.


Proprietary trading firms also offer valuable resources to support traders in their journey. They provide educational materials, mentorship, and cutting-edge trading tools, fostering an environment where traders can develop their skills and thrive in the markets. By collaborating with proprietary trading firms, traders can access not only funding but also a wealth of expertise and support that can accelerate their growth and success.


How Instant Trader Funding Works with Traders With Edge


The Funding Process


Traders With Edge makes it incredibly easy for traders to get started with instant trader funding. The process comprises three simple steps:


  1. Choose: To begin, traders need to decide what sized instant funding account they want to start with. Then choose the  trading platform. After choosing the account size and type, you’ll be taken to the checkout to pay for the account. This covers all our admin and technology fees. 
  3. Account Activation: Once the purchase is complete, the trader’s account is activated and sent instantly. Traders can then access their funded account and begin trading immediately, taking advantage of the increased buying power provided by Traders With Edge.
  5. Trade and Withdraw: Continue to trade your account in a responsible way to make profit, then withdraw your profits from within your trading dashboard. 

Eligibility Requirements


To qualify for instant trader funding with Traders With Edge, applicants must meet certain eligibility requirements:

  2. Trading Experience: Traders should have a foundational understanding of trading concepts and techniques. This experience ensures that traders can effectively manage the funds provided by Traders With Edge and make informed trading decisions.
  4. Compliance with Trading Rules: Applicants must adhere to the trading rules set forth by Traders With Edge. These rules are designed to promote responsible trading and protect both the trader and the firm from excessive risk.
  6. Risk Management Criteria: Traders are expected to demonstrate a clear understanding of risk management strategies, as managing risk is a critical aspect of successful trading. 

Funding Tiers and Trading Limits

Traders With Edge offers multiple funding tiers, allowing traders to select the level of funding that best suits their needs and experience. As traders demonstrate success and consistently adhere to risk management guidelines, they may qualify for higher funding tiers and increased trading limits. 

This tiered approach allows traders to grow their portfolios and seize more significant market opportunities over time, while also maintaining a disciplined and risk-conscious trading approach.


Benefits of Instant Trader Funding with Traders With Edge


Capital Access


Traders With Edge provides instant trader funding that offers several benefits, including improved capital access:

  2. Leverage Opportunities: With increased buying power, traders can leverage their positions to maximize profits while minimizing their personal financial exposure.
  4. Trading Larger Positions: Access to more capital allows traders to enter larger positions, potentially leading to higher returns on successful trades.

Risk Management


Traders With Edge emphasizes the importance of risk management in trading:

  2. Shared Risks with Proprietary Trading Firms: By trading with the firm’s capital, traders share the risk with Traders With Edge, fostering a more collaborative approach to risk management.
  4. Implementation of Stop Losses: Traders With Edge encourages the use of stop losses to protect against significant losses, ensuring a more disciplined and risk-conscious trading experience.

Trading Education and Resources


Traders With Edge is committed to supporting traders in their journey:

  2. Access to Training Materials: The firm provides comprehensive educational resources, including video tutorials, articles, and webinars, to help traders develop their skills and knowledge.
  4. Mentorship and Support: Traders With Edge offers personalized mentorship and support, ensuring that traders have access to expert guidance and advice as they navigate the markets.

Flexible Trading Hours


Instant trader funding with Traders With Edge allows for more flexibility:

  2. Trade in Multiple Markets: Traders can access various markets, including stocks, forex, and commodities, providing a diverse range of opportunities for profit.
  4. Adapting to Market Volatility: The flexibility offered by instant trader funding enables traders to adjust their strategies according to market conditions, maximizing their chances of success.

No Personal Capital at Stake


Instant trader funding from Traders With Edge reduces personal financial risks:

  2. Trading with the Firm’s Capital: Traders can enter the markets without risking their own capital, allowing them to focus on honing their skills and strategies.
  4. Lowering Personal Financial Risks: By trading with Traders With Edge’s funds, traders can minimize their personal financial exposure, ensuring a safer and more secure trading experience.

When you’re ready to get started and unlock these benefits, Traders With Edge is here to guide you through the process, providing you with the tools, resources, and support you need to succeed in the world of trading.


Potential Drawbacks of Instant Trader Funding and How Traders With Edge Can Help


While instant trader funding offers many benefits, it’s essential to be aware of potential drawbacks. Understanding these challenges will help traders make informed decisions and maximize their success.


Profit Sharing

  2. Percentage of Profits Shared with the Firm: As traders use the firm’s capital for trading, they share a portion of their profits with the proprietary trading firm. This profit-sharing arrangement may impact overall earnings, though considering traders are trading a much larger account it usually comes out in the traders favor.
  4. Impact on Overall Earnings: The percentage of profits shared with the firm might lower the trader’s net income. However, it’s essential to consider that trading with the firm’s capital significantly reduces personal financial risk.

Traders With Edge acknowledges these concerns and offers competitive profit-sharing terms, ensuring that traders can still enjoy substantial earnings while benefiting from the firm’s resources and support.


Trading Restrictions

  2. Limited Trading Instruments: Some proprietary trading firms may impose restrictions on the trading instruments available to traders, which could limit diversification and growth opportunities.
  4. Adherence to Firm-Specific Rules: Traders funded by proprietary trading firms must follow the firm’s specific trading rules and risk management guidelines, which might impact trading freedom and strategies.

Traders With Edge strives to minimize these drawbacks by offering a diverse range of trading instruments and a flexible trading environment. The firm maintains a balanced approach to rules and restrictions, prioritizing risk management while still allowing traders the freedom to explore various strategies and techniques.


When you’re ready to get started with instant trader funding, Traders With Edge is committed to helping you navigate these potential challenges, providing you with the support, resources, and opportunities you need to excel in the markets.


Choosing the Right Instant Trader Funding Provider: Why Traders With Edge is the Ideal Partner


Selecting the right instant trader funding provider is crucial for your success as a trader. Traders With Edge has established itself as a leader in the industry, providing an exceptional range of services and benefits for traders looking to unlock their trading potential. 


When you’re ready to get started, Traders With Edge is your go-to choice for instant trader funding, and here’s why:


Reputation and Track Record


Traders With Edge boasts a strong reputation in the trading community, with a proven track record of helping traders achieve their goals. The firm’s commitment to excellence and the success of its clients speaks volumes about its dedication to providing the best possible services.


Funding Tiers and Growth Potential


With a range of funding tiers available, Traders With Edge offers traders the opportunity to grow and expand their trading activities as they demonstrate success. The tiered funding structure rewards consistency and adherence to risk management guidelines, ensuring that traders have access to increased capital as they develop their skills and experience.


Support and Educational Resources


Traders With Edge understands the importance of comprehensive support and educational resources in helping traders succeed. The firm provides access to a wealth of training materials, mentorship, and expert advice, ensuring that traders have the guidance and knowledge they need to excel in the markets.


Trading Platform and Technology


At Traders With Edge, cutting-edge technology is a priority. The firm offers an advanced trading platform that supports a seamless and efficient trading experience. With powerful tools, real-time data, and advanced order execution capabilities, traders can capitalize on market opportunities and make informed trading decisions with ease.


When you’re ready to embark on your instant trader funding journey, Traders With Edge is the perfect partner to help you achieve your trading aspirations. With a solid track record, ample growth potential, exceptional support, and state-of-the-art technology, Traders With Edge is committed to helping you unlock your trading potential and succeed in the markets.




As we’ve explored throughout this article, instant trader funding offers a multitude of benefits for traders at all levels. From increased capital access and risk management to comprehensive educational resources and trading flexibility, instant trader funding can help traders unlock their full potential and excel in the markets. By partnering with a reputable provider like Traders With Edge, traders can take advantage of these benefits while also mitigating potential drawbacks.


If you’re considering instant trader funding as a way to enhance your trading journey, we encourage you to explore the opportunities available with Traders With Edge. With our unparalleled track record, exceptional support, and advanced technology, we are committed to helping traders like you succeed in the markets. When you’re ready to get started, Traders With Edge is here to guide you every step of the way, providing the tools, resources, and support you need to achieve your trading goals.